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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 첨부
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A project of a large aircraft carrier with an armored deck, which was developed during the war, taking into account the experience of military operations in the Pacific.

The aircraft carrier has a large number of aircraft in the squadron and attack flight compared to the researchable British aircraft carriers. Another feature of the ship is her dive bombers attacking in a horizontal flight and carrying AP bombs . 





One of the many Fletcher-class destroyers which was transferred to the Greek Navy in 1959.

The destroyer has rapid-firing main battery guns and one torpedo launcher with fast reload. The ship also features good concealment and a Smoke Generator with a long smoke screen dispersion time. 

In addition to the Smoke Generator, the ship's equipment is represented by the Engine Boost and the Defensive AA Fire consumables in separate slots.




One of the versions of the project, which preceded the creation of Worcester-class cruisers. The main armament is ten 152-mm dual-purpose guns in five turrets.

Vallejo is a light cruiser with improved ballistics and good firing range, as well as a Spotting Aircraft consumable with an accelerated reload, which allows her to fire effectively at long ranges.

The ship's consumables are presented by the Defensive AA Fire and a Repair Party in separate slots, as well as a Rapid Takeoff Spotter with fast reload and a Fighter consumables in a single slot. At the same time, unlike other American high Tier cruisers, it has no Hydroacoustic Search and Surveillance Radar consumables




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