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2023.05.29 01:19

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「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002158.96.jpg

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002210.93.jpg​​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002223.03.jpg​​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002227.69.jpg​​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002302.79.jpg​​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002335.43.jpg​​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002340.63.jpg​​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002349.80.jpg​​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002358.38.jpg​​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002403.53.jpg​​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002409.86.jpg​​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002427.71.jpg​​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002446.06.jpg​​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002450.11.jpg​​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002453.71.jpg​​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002501.04.jpg​​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002512.56.jpg​​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002526.50.jpg​​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002530.98.jpg​​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002537.42.jpg​​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002541.14.jpg​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002545.18.jpg​​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002547.30.jpg​​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002550.96.jpg​​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002615.31.jpg​​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002630.32.jpg​​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002638.56.jpg​​​​​​​

「紫禁·御喵房 The Forbidden City:Cat Imperial study」PV公开! story of cute cats in the forbidden city (1080p).mp4_20230529_002648.60.jpg

제목의 중국애니 PV라는데,

자금성에 있던 관청들 가운데
황제의 문서를 관리하는
어서방(御書房)에서 이름을 따온 것 같다.

동명의 웹툰이 원작으로
여기에 소개된 내용을 번역기로 돌리니까

낮에는 SNS에서 인기 만점인 자금성의 고양이들이
밤에는 자금성과 그곳에 소장된 유물을 지키는 걸
줄거리로 하는 것 같다.

PV의 등장인물 중 나오는 만귀비가
명나라 성화제의 총애를 받았던
17세 연상의 후궁 귀비 만씨라면

고양이들이 입은 복식도 그렇고
대략 명나라 중기를 다룰 것으로 보인다.

중국어 고자라서 잘은 모르겠지만
귀여운 고양이들이 잔뜩 나오니까
어쨌든 나쁘지 않은 듯?

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유머를 포함하여 국내 정치 이외의 이야기를 자유롭게 할 수 있는 게시판 입니다

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